EMT certification
EMT certification: what requirements concerning formation, and what possibilities of training?

EMT certification

EMT certification
EMT certification
EMT certification on Emergency medical techniciansor on technicians of emergency medicine train in the Centers of training of first aid. Take part in training all who has, at least, can secondary education – medical knowledge and experience in first aid it is not required. Training is provided, first of all, for drivers of ambulance cars and for firemen-rescuers. According to EMT certification the minimum volume of the curriculum - 400 hours. More than half are made from this by educational practice in hospitals and on first aid. Training comes to an end theoretical (test) and practical (situational tasks) with examination, it regulates all EMT certification.
It agree EMT certification emergency medical technician should have the rights to driving of the vehicle equipped with a siren. As at EMT certification the technology of the given processes is checked. For their reception it is necessary to be trained to management of a vehicle equipped with a siren (them recognized establishments of the Ministry of ways engaged in corresponding training and communications will organize).  It is caused by necessity EMT certification.
Emergency medical technician should take part in courses of improvement of qualification, at least, 40 hours per year as it is described in EMT certification. Courses of improvement of qualification are spent in the educational and training centers of the first aid, at medical faculty of university and in the center of medicine of accidents at hospital.

What possibilities for career growth and plans for the future and as it influences EMT certification?

Importance of EMT certification

In 2006 Emergency medical technicians who have been distributed between 90 brigades of first aid worked. All of them have passed EMT certification. EMT work in all districts, work is easier for finding in small places, about it tells also the certification.  

The income and privileges at EMT certification

The Bottom rate of a salary of Emergency medical technicians makes 42 crones at an o'clock. Depending on the experience and qualification the additional payment at the rate from 5 to 20 % is paid. These norms are checked at EMT certification. To the basic salary the payment for work during evening and night time, and also for overtime work increases. It confirms necessity of EMT certification.
Holiday, according to the collective agreement, or 28, 30 or 35 days as it is specified in norms of EMT certification.
Workers of brigades of first aid are provided with working clothes. They are insured on an accident case, the contract of insurance of responsibility consists also.

Features of EMT certification

Emergency medical technician the Maintenance of work. EMT certification.

Emergency medical technician is a member of a brigade of first aid. During the watch he bears responsibility for cleanliness in an ambulance car, for presence in her of necessary equipment and for his serviceability, it should confirm and EMT certification. Depending on the problems which are carried out by a brigade of first aid, in her, except Emergency medical technician, the doctor-reanimator, the ambulance surgeon, the emergency medical technicians and the paraphysician enter still - such list is actual at EMT certification. These are the major aspects at which look at EMT certification. For the purpose of safety of a brigade of first aid and the patient on a scene it is necessary to go, having chosen a safe route, and to park an ambulance car follows in as more as possible safe place, convenient to accept the patient. EMT certification results standards on a scene Emergency medical technician helps other members of a brigade the equipment necessary for rendering of emergency medical aid, and at carrying out of procedures. Emergency medical technicians work on the basis of the schedule. On a place it is necessary to be in exact time to accept change from the previous brigade of first aid, which has passed EMT certification. During change it is impossible to leave a workplace as it is necessary to be ready to immediate departure. In the big divisions emergency medical technician have premises where they can be, expecting a call. At  EMT certification  it is regulated time between calls is used for equipment check, for care of ambulance car.