EMT paramedic training

Preparation and training paramedic EMT . 

EMT paramedic training
EMT paramedic training
The Increasing importance of public health services raises every year a role social, professional and moral responsibility of the medic. Now important organic unity professional and deontological readiness of medical staff, including EMT paramedic training. Preparation and training average medical staff for stations SMP — one of important sections of their work. 

For their successful preparation in the conditions of constant increase of the information rather important accurately to formulate that the EMT paramedic should know and be able and what according to it should be volume of emergency diagnostics and rendering assistance at diseases and damages. About such important parts trains EMT paramedic training. 

Nuances EMT paramedic training

Now in the country the close attention is given to preparation, specialization and improvement paramedic EMT. 
Their preparation is provided with corresponding branches of medical schools where young experts are trained and get skills and knowledge for rendering of the first help at sharp diseases and damages. 
After the termination of medical school it is spent training EMT paramedic on courses (cycles) of specialization for work as a part of linear exit brigades on diagnostics and treatment of urgent conditions to therapies, surgery, gynecology, traumatology, to intensive therapy and resuscitation, etc. questions of the organization of work of stations (substations, branches) SMP are studied at CRB and their structural divisions, transportation of patients and victims, ethics , medical deontology and EMT paramedic training. 

Additional prominent aspects EMT paramedic training

The special attention is given to acquisition by EMT paramedics of practical skills. 

Medical contra-indications for EMT paramedic training: